Yoga On The Beach 2024

Our first big annual event of the year has just passed – Yoga On The Beach! What a day it turned out to be indeed – the weather was very nearly going the other way but it came through in the end. With classes each hour, there was plenty of people taking the opportunity to … Read more

Coming together for the Community

Brighton Yoga Foundation

So there’s something you should know… In the interest of transparency and our commitments as a charity, we wanted to share some insights on our current journey. Brighton Yoga Foundation (BYF) has begun discussions with Brighton Natural Health Foundation (BNHF) about a possible merger of the two charities. Both organisations share the same vision: to make mindful movement … Read more

The Heart of Yoga Awards : Davy Jones wins!

Davy Jones holding a certificate after winning the Community Champion award

To honour the dedication and support of its volunteers across the UK, the British Wheel of Yoga (BWY) held its first Heart of Yoga awards. Winners of the six awards were celebrated at a ceremony in London, following the organisation’s Annual General Meeting. The awards were founded to celebrate yoga in action, as BWY operates … Read more